An Adoptee's Question
A young woman in her mid-twenties asked Dr. Laura, "I was cleaning out one of my parents' closet, when I came across my birth certificate. I found out I was adopted. What do I do? Do I tell my parents?
Dr. Laura's answer surprised me. She asked the young woman what her childhood was like. "Wonderful," the adoptee said. "Then don't do anything. They don't need to know that you know. Why take a chance?"
I was very surprised by Dr. Laura's answer. Although the caller sounded like she accepted the answer, I can imagine she is still inflicted with major questions that are gnawing at her soul. My advice would have been different. What do you think?
Bad advice on Dr. Laura's part. Her parents may hold valuable information that she will want someday if she decides to look for her birth family. If she waits until they are gone to do anything, it could be too late.
Yeah, that advice is really bad. I hope she sought a second opinion.
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