Sunday, September 18, 2005

Land of Confusion

What if it is her? She has the same birthday, the same first two names. What are the odds? She has moved around a lot. From Texas, to New York, to Minnesota, back to Texas, New Mexico, to Chico, California and now back to a small town west of Abilene called Tye. No phone number, just a PO Box. Should I write her or go to the town of a little over a thousand people and try to find her?

She divorced the person she married in Minnesota, and married someone again in 1985, in Abilene. The records only go back to the early 80's. I couldn't find a trace before then. A call to someone in California that lived close to her described her as being around 5 feet tall, maybe shorter. This characteristic matches.

What would I gain from contacting her? If it is her, she spent two-thirds of her life away from the children she brought into this world. Maybe she does not want to have any contact. Do I "need" anything from her? What questions would be answered? Does God want me to find her? For what reason?

There are a many questions, and for some reason, much distress. Her niece really wants to make contact. My cousin has few relatives left. The question is, what would be gained from finding my birth mom, after all these years?


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