Thursday, May 25, 2006

Adoption Stories

Adoption Stories is a program on the Discovery Health channel. It gives a beautiful spotlight on adoption. The stories especially focus on the blessing of adoption from the parent's perspective. Many adoptions are from outside America. Many times the adoptive parents travel to countries like Russia to adopt. A person must make two trips and stay at least ten days before they can go home with their baby. It is amazing what some people will do to adopt a child!

Do you have an adoption story? Share it!


At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi there,
I don't have an adoption story, yet. In fact there's not even one in the making for our family at this point in time. I've been drawn to adoption as a way to form a family for as long as I can remember, and have decided on foster care adoption, so I love your blog!

I just discovered it today, and can't belive there are ZERO comments on most posts. I think your point of view is essential for anyone who knows an adoptee, or birthmother.

A question for you: Did you call your adoptive parents Mom and Dad, or think of them more as guardians? I've been thinking about this a lot lately and feel that if we adopt a child with any memory of their birthfamily, that it would be more honest to consider ourselves guardians rather than parents. Just as much love support and "parenting" would be involved, but in my mind this would retain a certain amount of respect for the biological and spiritual bond children have with the families they are born into.

What are your thoughts on this, as an adoptee, and now a father (I assume biologically?)?

Cheers to you,
S in SC

At 1:18 PM, Blogger obladi oblada said...

Hi. I just found your blog and Im glad I did. My adoption story is that my husband and I adopted three siblings ages 9,8, and 5 from the state foster care system. I often wonder what they will think and feel about all of it when they get older and really begin to process it. I'll be reading....

At 8:59 AM, Blogger David Michael said...


Thank you for the question! I can remember being anxious to call who ever I was living with Mom or Dad. However, I never was able to get it out of my mind that these people were not my birth parents. I think if I did not have a memory of my birth parents, I would not have a conflicting mind. Also, it may have had something to do with the way I was treated. My foster/adopt home was very tumultous. Early on we experience "threatning the placement" which is when a foster/adopt family threatens to send you back to foster care/ orphanage/ or other birth relatives.


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